We want to thank everyone who has begun to contribute by sending in their pledges. So far here are the names of those wonderful, amazing people. Thank you so much!
Ken Porter-Shirley
Tim Flanagan in honor of Tom Flannagan
Elizabeth Hanke
Jack Eastis
Brid Beckwith in honor of Jerry Beckwith
Robert Thrasher
John DeLaVergne in honor of Daniel DeLaVergne
Noah Clayton
Jason Hale
Kim Barrs
Mike Brown
Russell Noble
Lee Whipple in honor of Laurie
Andrew Brockmeyer
Lynn Bratton
Kat Yarboro
We have an awesome new Tshirt design in support of Simple Life Adventures and our Boof Against the Odds campaign this summer. We will be selling them at the Teva Mountain Games (May 30-June 2). You can contact us from our webpage www.simplelifeadventures.com and request a Tshirt for $20. We have mens and womens sizes in brown and black with either pink or white text. Check out the design....
Please continue to spread the word about Boof Against the Odds and stay tuned to LVM, LVMTV and Simple Life Adventures to follow the progress of our pursuit.

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